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Lizard Pushups: Evaluate the data

Now that you have filled out the data sheet, answer the following questions:

1. What is the % of the encounters in which the resident lizard won?
a. 56%
b. 78%
c. 92%

2. In cases where there was a size difference between lizards, how often did the larger lizard win?
a. 40%
b. 60%
c. 80%

3. What is the average aggressiveness score for resident lizards confronting neighbors? What about strangers?
a. strangers=3.5 neighbors=2
b. strangers=2 neighbors=3.5
c. strangers=2.5 neighbors=3

4. Which had a bigger influence on contest outcome, body size or resident/intruder status?
a. Body size.
b. Resident/intruder status.


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