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Lizard Pushups: Types of questions

"Why do lizards do pushups?"

This is a very broad question, and because of the possible meanings of the word "why," the question could actually be one of two questions:

-- what causes the lizard to perform pushups?
(proximate cause, or "how" questions)
-- what benefit does the lizard get from doing pushups?
(ultimate cause, or "why" questions)

We can break this down even further, into four levels of analysis:

1. What sensory stimuli cause lizards to perform pushups? (Proximate: mechanism of behavior)

2. Can the age, experience, or hormone levels of the lizard affect the pushup behavior? (Proximate: development of behavior)

3. What benefit does a lizard get from performing pushup behavior? (Ultimate: function of behavior)

4. Did the ancestors of lizards perform pushups? (Ultimate: evolution of behavior)

The usual way to answer such questions is to come up with possible answers and then experimentally test the answers.

Before we formulate a more specific question, it would be helpful to gather a little more information.

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