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Lizard Pushups: References

An arbitrary list of recent lizard behavior papers:

Aragon, P., Lopez, P., Martin, J. 2000. Size-dependent chemosensory responses to familiar and unfamiliar conspecific faecal pellets by the Iberian rock-lizard, Lacerta monticola. Ethology 106 (12): 1115-1128 DEC 2000.

Castrucci, A.M.D., Sherbrooke, W.C., Zucker, N. 1997. Regulation of physiological color change in dorsal skin of male tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus. Herpetologica 53 (4): 405-410 DEC 1997

Hews, D.K., Benard, M.F. 2001. Negative association between conspicuous visual display and chemosensory behavior in two phrynosomatid lizards. Ethology 107 (9): 839-850 SEP 2001.

Hews, D.K., Thompson, C.W., Moore, I.T., Moore, M.C. 1997. Population frequencies of alternative male phenotypes in tree lizards: geographic variation and common-garden rearing studies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 41 (6): 371-380 DEC 1997.

Klukowski, M., Nelson, C.E. 1998. The challenge hypothesis and seasonal changes in aggression and steroids in male northern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus). Hormones and Behavior 33 (3): 197-204 JUN 1998.

Lopez, P., Martin, J. 2002. Chemical rival recognition decreases aggression levels in male Iberian wall lizards, Podarcis hispanica. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51 (5): 461-465 APR 2002.

Lopez, P., Martin, J. 2001. Fighting rules and rival recognition reduce costs of aggression in male lizards, Podarcis hispanica. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 49 (2-3): 111-116 JAN 2001.

Mahrt, L.A. 1998. Response to intruders and the dear enemy phenomenon in female tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus, in relation to age and reproductive condition. Journal of Herpetology 32 (2): 162-168 JUN 1998.

Mahrt, L.A. 1998. Territorial establishment and maintenance by female tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus. Journal of Herpetology 32 (2): 176-182 JUN 1998.

Moore, M.C., Hews, D.K., Knapp, R. 1998. Hormonal control and evolution of alternative male phenotypes: Generalizations of models for sexual differentiation. American Zoologist 38 (1): 133-151 FEB 1998.

Ord, T.J., Blumstein, D.T. 2002. Size constraints and the evolution of display complexity: why do large lizards have simple displays? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 76 (1): 145-161 MAY 2002.

Paterson, A.V. 2002. Effects of an individuals removal on space use and behavior in territorial neighborhoods of brown anoles (Anolis sagrei). Herpetologica 58 (3): 382-393 SEP 2002.

Quinn, V.S., Hews, D.K. 2000. Signals and behavioural responses are not coupled in males: aggression affected by replacement of an evolutionarily lost colour signal. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 267 (1445): 755-758 APR 22 2000.

Robson, M.A., Miles, D.B. 2000. Locomotor performance and dominance in male Tree Lizards, Urosaurus ornatus. Functional Ecology 14 (3): 338-344 JUN 2000.

Sinervo, B., Miles, D.B., Frankino, W.A., Klukowski, M., DeNardo, D.F. 2000. Testosterone, endurance, and darwinian fitness: Natural and sexual selection on the physiological bases of alternative male behaviors in side-blotched lizards. Hormones and Behavior 38 (4): 222-233 DEC 2000.

Whiting, M.J. 1999. When to be neighbourly: differential agonistic responses in the lizard Platysaurus broadleyi. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46 (3): 210-214 AUG 1999.

Woodley, S.K. and M.C. Moore. 1999. Female territorial aggression and steroid hormones in mountain spiny lizards. Animal Behaviour 57:1083-1089.

Woodley, S.K. and M.C. Moore. 1999. Ovarian hormones influence territorial aggression in free-living mountain spiny lizards. Hormones and Behavior 35:205-214.

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