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Quiz about the mating scenarios

1. In general, which type of male mated with more females per unit time?

a. long copulation males
b. short copulation males

2. Which type of scenario resulted in the highest fertilization rate?

a. female long
b. female short
c. male long
d. male short

3. In general, which type of sex ratio resulted in the highest fertilization rates?

a. female-biased
b. male-biased

4. Under a female-biased sex ratio, which type of male was more successful at fertilizing the most eggs per unit time?

a. short copulation males
b. long copulation males

5. Under a male-biased sex ratio, which type of male was more successful?

a. short copulation males
b. long copulation males

6. Consider the answers to questions 4 and 5. What is the most likely explanation for this pattern? Of the four answers below, two are correct. Select the two you think are correct.

a. Under a male-biased sex ratio, short-copulation males fertilize fewer eggs during a single mating than they do under a female-biased sex ratio.

b. Under a female-biased sex ratio, short-copulation males can mate with many more females during a period of time than long-copulation males.

c. Under a male-biased sex ratio it takes a male a long time to find a new mate. Therefore, it makes more sense for a male to remain mating with his current partner than to spend a long time trying to find another female.

d. Under a female-biased sex-ratio, females are not as receptive to long-copulation males as they are to short-copulation males.

a & b
a & d
b & c
c & d

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