Why Get Involved with BLAST?

The BLAST lab provides a simple, flexible, proven platform for outreach activities in molecular biology through the University of Arizona.

Successful Outreach

Grant proposals often require an outreach component, such as the NSF “broader impacts statement” that outlines how the researchers will contribute to the promotion of science beyond the research goals of the grant. The BLAST lab and the GBE summer course originated in the broader impacts section of an NSF grant, and the lab and course materials are available for other researchers to utilize in their own outreach efforts.

Go to NSF Broader Impacts


Adaptable structure

The BLAST lab exists to provide researchers at the University of Arizona with an established and proven environment in which they can develop outreach programs to expose high school students to molecular biology. We hope that this program will provide a module that PI’s can be adapted to their own research interests, and simplify the development of new outreach programs in molecular biology. Researchers are encouraged to examine previous course and develop new course materials for the BLAST lab that suit their own research program.

Go to Course Descriptions


Proven protocols

Feasible protocols for standard molecular techniques, reagent recipes and useful background information are included on this website, and is freely available to those seeking to develop their own outreach programs. Also included is a list of available equipment.

Go to Protocols
Go to Equipment


Impact on students

In addition to fulfilling grant requirements for outreach, the BLAST program has had a demonstrable impact on student participants. Many students also come from underrepresented minorities in the sciences and BLAST provides a unique opportunity to engage in research activities early in their education. Previous BLAST students often go on to pursue undergraduate degrees in the natural sciences and many indicate their intentions to obtain advanced degrees and careers in science.

Go to Impact of BLAST


To learn more about the BLAST lab, the Genes, Biotechnology and the Enivronment course, and other outreach programs available, please contact:

Margaret Wilch
Tucson Magnet High School
400 North Second Avenue
Tucson, Arizona
ph: 520-225-5000