Ornithology Resources

Handy Web Resources for Ornithology

Listed here are a number of web sites with information that might be useful to ornithologists. While we offer them here to help in finding information on birds, bird research, and active bird-related organizations represented on the internet, these are by no means an exhaustive list. Please do not be fooled into thinking that searching these sites will serve as a substitute for doing a thorough literature search in ornithology journals for current research information!

For information on scientific references in Ornithology, visit the Reference  page.

Many of these sites keep extensive listings of related links, so to continue looking, visit their sites.

Professional Ornithology

BIRDNET  provides information about ornithology and the scientific study of birds. Includes information on the major ornithology societies in North America.

North American Bird Banding Laboratory  Federal Coordinator of all Bird Banding.

General Information Sites

FatBirder:  Lots of general information on birds.

Neotropical Bird Club: Information on birds of the neotropics.

Ornithology.com: Lots of general information, including ornithology "lectures".

Animal Diversity  web site from Univ. of Mich. Entries for each North American bird species, and general taxonimic information (plus other groups).

Electronic Resources on Ornithology: Lots of bird links

Bird Classifications and Lists

The Sibley and Monroe Classification  of all Bird Families of the World

Zoonomen:  Zoological Nomenclature Resource Includes Taxonomic listing for all birds.

The A.O.U. Check-list  of North American Birds is the official source on the taxonomy of birds found in North and Middle America (7th edition).

Bird checklists  for all Fifty United States.

List of all 4-letter banding codes  used by the Bird Banding Lab for North American birds.

Ornithology Research and Conservation

The United States Geological Survey  hosts the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), source of distribution and abundance information for all North American birds. Their site has lots of information on all bird species, including natural history information and maps of BBS results. They have it organized with a Species List .

Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center:  Research and Conservation information

Partners In Flight:  Organization that coordinates migratory bird international conservation efforts.

Audubon Watchlist   lists species of concern with profiles and information.

Endangered Species Information System  Fish and Wildlife Information Exchange at VA Tech.

The Institute for Bird Populations  is dedicated to fostering a global approach to research and the dissemination of information on changes in bird populations. (Fun Cursor Trails!)

Point Reyes Bird Observatory:  Conservation and Research Information for California.

Southern Arizona Information

Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory  (Bisbee): Research, conservation and education organization.

Tucson Audubon Society  with information on regional birding.

Birding Southern AZ:  BLM info including checklists.

Southeastern Arizona Birding Trail  information, including 50 SE AZ Birding Hotspots.

Center for Biological Diversity Conservation organization with a Southwestern Focus.

Wings Over Willcox festival and Sandhill Crane information.

Avian Bioacoustics

Nature Songs:  Extensive song files of No American birds, with focus on Arizona Species.

Sound Analysis Software  and related information.

The Library of Natural Sounds  at The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

The Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics  (BLB) at Ohio State Univ.

Online Birding

American Birding Association  is North America's largest membership organization for active birders.

Birding on the Web: Provides extensive listings of well-organized ornithology and birding information.

Virtual Birder:  Online Bird Watching Site.

A to Z for Birders:  Online Birding supplier.

Binocular selection and comparison.

Optics for Birding:   Information on birding optical equipment.

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