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Mating Walnut Flies: Optimal Foraging Quiz

1. A forager moves from an area where patches of food are close together into an area where the patches of food are further apart. The forager should spend _____ time in each patch than in the area with closely-spaced patches.
a. less
b. more
c. the same

2. Moving from an area with less-rewarding patches of food into an area with richly-rewarding patches, a forager should change its behavior by spending _____ time in each patch.
a. less
b. more
c. the same

3. Which graph most accurately represents the shape of a gain curve?

Image: three graphs of food energy gained versus time: a. straight line b. convex curve c. concave curve

graph a: (a straight line at a 45 degree angle from the origin.)
graph b: (a convex line.)
graph c: (a concave line.)

Regardless of how you did on the quiz, we highly recommend the University of Toronto optimal foraging web site.

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